
Showing posts from August, 2020

How can anyone wait for this much ๐Ÿคท‍♀

Hello guys, you know what I feel very better after writing over here believe me. I hope you read my last blog.. No? No issue ๐Ÿ‘‡ link is here click and check it out And comment me, is there any person whom you missed in the lockdown time๐Ÿ˜‚.  Friends, today I will share story of one of my friend. I am not going to reveal her name.okay....  She loved a guy who was his classmate. Till yesterday I was in illusion that she might forgot him but I was wrong. She still love him as she used to do earlier and you know what the amazing thing is that she didn't tell him about her feeling towards him yet. Means how can a girl wait for so long time, probably it maybe 7years , how???? ๐Ÿ˜› Although she got many good proposal but she dined. When I asked her that will you ever tell him about your feeling, she replied "yes, one day and after that I throw out him from my heart”. I don't know what's going on in her mind, but

Let's forget them!!!!

Before writing anything I want to give some disclaimer...... Don't take my words seriously. Although whatever I am saying, saying from my heart...... Okay!!!  So still we are in lockdown if I am right, we haven't got full freedom from covid19 yet. So are you missing someone๐Ÿค— in this time??Probably not because we all have ample of media to contact our love ones. But if you still missing someone then differently he/she would be very close of your heart. Right!!! ๐Ÿคญ So here some tips for you guys๐Ÿ‘‡ If it's not possible to talk with them then better try to forget them, it's right time. I am telling this because he/she contacts you if he/she is missing you too like you are doing. If they don't need to start from your side again and again. This mean this is signal you should forget them.  For that just stay busy, keep doing the stuff which gives you happiness. Trust me this will help to get out of his/her so-called dream.  Avoid the uses of social media unnecessary

Tips to strat meditation

You always listen "do medication”, it's good for health. From outside it looks easy but do you really think it is? You are sitting with closed eyes, taking deep breaths just performing these steps is meditation..... No it's not just you see outside , it's more than you see. And you will understand it completely when you do medication yourself but the question is how to get start????  What is the right time, how long is long enough and many more. So there are some guide which may help you :- # Meditation means position where your body can feel strong yet neutral. Someone prefer to lie on their back, someone like to sit on chair, some choose to sit on yoga mat. Different people different ways but the ultimate aim is to make the position to feel neutral.  # Mediation is not one day practice. One has to do it regularly. It's not necessary to spent 1 hrs, 2 hrs, 3 hrs; you can spent 5-10 min also but it should be regular. Once you start doing it, it becomes habit.  # Th

How to hygiene your restroom

 As we all know everything is opening in different phases, now it's our duty to take all measures to break the spread of covid-19 . Specially, the shared places like washrooms. So if you are using or going to use shared washroom then you should to follow the certain measures which I am gonna to share with you guys.  1. The most important things are social distancing and hygiene so make sure there should be proper facility of it as well as there should be reminder for it. For that purpose should have enough hand sanitiser stations and provide quality soap along with hand drying facilities.  2. Although we will use the things attach with washroom like toilet seat, door handle, wash basin and much more, so it's more important to disinfectant these surface so that people can enable them to use these.  3. The main thing is make social distancing, the objects like flushing machine, soap, sanitizer dispensers and taps which are used frequently so that all these must be automated or se

How to become more positive

 So how to be more positive. I am not talking about positivity of covid 19 ๐Ÿ˜Š don't get me wrong I am talking about positive vibes ,how to increase it???? What you are doing to increase it or are u doing something to increase๐Ÿ˜ƒ. But, you should to do. It not only benefit your body but also your soul, your emotions, your mind...... So, there are some tips you could try to be more positive. - Think about the positive things that happened that day before you go to sleep, it will help to relax your mind, soul and body and you will get good night sleep. - Writing a diary is habit of many people, trust me it's good habit. Usually people writes good thing in their diary and they should to write good things only. I would suggest to start writing a diary, write down all things you are grateful for that everyday.  - Sometime living in past is also good to be more positive. It would be better to remember all the past positive experience and relive them with your friends, family. - Ok, if